"According to news stories the US suggested that the Iraqi vote be adjusted in favour of the Sunnis in Sunni areas so that they don't feel disenfranchised as a result of their, shall we say, 'liberation' by the US forces."
"Yeah, I heard it too but that has been rejected by the Iraqis. See in a democracy the majority must rule. Take the case of the US. The predominant group remains white males and so there has been no President from other ethnic groups or indeed a woman has yet to become the US President."
"Yeah. That is such simple democracy that even our Musharraf understands that. He has said democracy is the rule of the majority, not the minority and..."
"Don't be facetious. You know and I know that there are quite a few lessons that go after that basic rule that Musharraf needs to be introduced to."
"But the majority must rule, right?"
"Right, but the majority in our country still wants BB and Nawaz Sharif, not the Chosen One and certainly not the..."
"But then Musharraf has a response to that! He says these people are not good for the country and therefore..."
"But the majority still says something different. And the choice of who rules must remain with the majority. Unfortunately that is the old and tried democracy. The new and improved kind, however, has allowed Musharraf to disqualify some..."
"And only those have been disqualified who did not support Musharraf."
"Not fair. I say."
"But true nonetheless."
"No, not entirely. Musharraf has not wooed everyone. I mean there are some who want to join his camp and he has refused."
"And who might these people be?"
"I can't think of their names right now but...but what about Siddique-ul-Farooq?"
"He is too closely associated with Nawaz Sharif to even be bothered with."
"And Mushahid wasn't? And the others..."
"Are yet again working for national interest."
"You do have the right language."
"I have lived all my life in this country."
"Yes OK. But given that some were disqualified from standing for elections we as the electorate were still allowed to vote for several candidates and a majority..."
"The majority was later wooed..."
"Oh, why don't you accept what is here and now."
"Because we need a system in place and I don't see that happening."
"Ah well, I disagree. The system has been in place since Ayub Khan. Let the army strongman rule and remain in uniform."
"For national interest."
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